Get Involved


Youth group at Grace Sherman


Sunday Mornings @ 9:30am
Elementary Sunday School (kinder-5th) in the Grace Kids room

Youth Sunday School (6th-12th) in the Youth Room

Youth Sunday Nights, 5-7pm
Students who are currently in 6th-12th grades gather for fun & games, mission & outreach, faith development & Bible study.


Confirmation is a journey of learning about faith that is open to people of all ages and at all places in their faith journey. At Grace, we begin an intentional confirmation journey for our middle school students each year.

They learn about the Bible, the United Methodist Church, and what it means to live as a follower of Jesus Christ. Click here to read an article about United Methodist beliefs about Confirmation. If you would like to receive information about becoming a part of next year’s confirmation class, contact Pastor Jessica.

Jessica and confirmation students


As we grow in faith, we develop deeper understandings and relationships with God and others. You are welcome as a guest in any of our groups or classes to see if they fit you.  See below for all of the opportunities. For more information on any of the small groups, contact Pastor Jessica.

Sunday Mornings @ 9:30am
Seekers Sunday School in room 206, led by David Rylander
Pathfinders Sunday School in room 207, led by Nana Rylander

Thursdays @ 9am
Super Seniors in the kitchen gathering space, led by Nana Rylander

One Saturday/month
Grace Wine Club at various local wineries

One Thursday/month
United Women in Faith in the kitchen gathering space

Superior Seniors at Grace Sherman United Methodist Church


Our choir, which includes youth and adults, sings for Sunday worship services and other special services during the year.

Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 7pm. We also have opportunities for those who play handbells or other musical instruments to offer their gifts in worship.

If you are interested in choir, contact our choir director, Laura Dominick.

Choir at Grace

Missions & Advocacy

Mission Trips

Our next mission trip is coming up in October to UMCOR Sager Brown, a disaster relief supply depot located in Baldwin, Louisiana.

Each year, more than 2,000 volunteers prepare approximately $4 million in relief supplies for shipment from the UMCOR Sager Brown Depot in response to disasters in the United States. UMCOR Sager Brown Depot reaches out to its local neighbors through food distribution, housing rehabilitation projects, and other community outreach efforts.

There are many activities to participate in, so no matter what your skill level is or what type of work you prefer, you can find it at Sager Brown. Contact Tom and Vicki Busby if you are interested in participating.

Sager Brown UMCOR
George Hughes Image

George Hughes Memorial Scholarship

Through our work toward racial justice, Grace established the George Hughes memorial scholarship to help students across Grayson County learn about the lynching of George Hughes and the destruction of the Black business district on Sherman’s Mulberry Street in 1930.

We hope this gives young people an opportunity to reflect upon how this history has shaped our community as well as future implications and aspirations. Applications are due April 15th each year and awards are made in May.

Care & Support

We believe in the power of prayer to connect us to God and each other. It is our honor and responsibility to pray with and for each other.

All are encouraged to send prayer requests to support each other during our personal prayer times. To receive updated lists of prayer requests, sign up for our email newsletter at the bottom of the page.

Hospital Visits

Our pastor is grateful for the opportunity to call and/or visit those who are going into the hospital. Please use the prayer request above to let her know if you have an upcoming procedure so she can pray with you.

Prayer Ministry

Our dedicated prayer team lifts up our church and community. When you share a prayer request, you can indicate if you would like to share it only with our pastor or with our Prayer Ministry. Those requests are shared weekly by email so each situation can be surrounded by prayer.

Grace Notes

When you submit a prayer request, you can share the address for the person in need of prayer so we can send them a Grace Note, a card of prayer and encouragement written by volunteers.

Prayer Shawls

Our volunteers craft prayer shawls, which are blessed by our Prayer Ministry volunteers and pastor. These tangible reminders of our love and care are given to those experiencing a difficult circumstance so they can feel the presence of God and our church family with them.